Sedona, AZ

IMG_20150118_190114 This is really beautiful landscape. Stunning. I can see why it’s touristy. IMG_20150118_185929We drove the jeep up some 4×4 only road to get to the Devil’s Bridge trailhead. Izaak is loving this jeep friendly country.
IMG_20150118_133756Pretty, yes? It’s a nice hike up there too with lovely views and a little bit of scrambling.
IMG_20150118_190252Really great views.

After the hike we ate our packed lunch and then stopped for ice cream. We HAD to go to the Crystal Vortex! I bought two crystals while the guys made fun of all of the mystical stuff. I secretly, or not so secretly now, love it! I love the idea of a little magic in the world. Shut up! I can hear you chuckling. It’s the 12 year old girl in me wishing unicorns were real and there is no shame here.

PS I was 12 when that movie came out. I’m old.

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